About Esther

I'm Esther, a designer and maker based in Bristol. I make useful, intriguing and beautiful things from tableware to lighting in my Bristol studio. I work mainly with porcelain and stoneware clays, using moulds and casting techniques, sometimes combining clay with other materials; knitted textiles, laser cut steel, heat sensitive surface coatings. My work combines a design aesthetic with craft making skills, and everything is hand made by me.

I balance my studio work with the day-job. I work for a small company with a lovely bunch of people, but it does mean I am often found up to my elbows in plaster at half past midnight. I studied ceramics on the BA course at Bath School of Art and Design, a beautiful city to live and learn in. They stopped running the course just after I left, which makes me something of a rare beast nowadays. This blog is about my work, from the mess and experiments all the way through making to getting it out there at markets and everything in between.

You can see more of my work here www.estherhubert.co.uk

To get in touch with me about buying work or anything else please email esthermakes@gmail.com